Core Values

Pillars of Purpose

Living Our Values


"Innovation" is just a word, unless we’re all taking action. Innovation in action is challenging our own thinking and striving for a continuous improvement of mindset because we want to be the best we can be. At Nolexa, we encourage our people to challenge assumptions, be curious; create and anticipate changes. We empower our employees to generate and share ideas, understanding that both failure and success are part of the innovation journey. By embracing creativity and forward-thinking, we drive ongoing improvements in all aspects of our business.


Thrive on diverse perspectives and partnerships for mutual success. Through collaboration we multiply our contribution. Together, we are stronger and can contribute more. Shared goals and mutual support lead to greater success than isolated work and individual focus. We work together towards achieving our goal by sharing ideas, skills and actions. We emphasize on collaboration because we know that it is vital and that partnerships within and outside the faculty based on a cooperative spirit, respect and mutual trust will allow us to achieve greater success.


Sustainability, being one of the vital value of Nolexa, we are strictly committed to eco-friendly practices for better future. Sustainability as a core value extends far beyond environmental considerations. It encompasses social sustainability, ensuring equitable and inclusive communities, as well as financial sustainability, responsible resource management for long-term economic resilience. We respect nature, recognizing the intrinsic value of the natural world and our interconnectedness with it.


At Nolexa, we are dedicated to integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct. Upholding a set of strong values and principles including reliability, loyalty, and trustworthiness, we strive to make transparent, well-intentioned decisions in every aspect of our operations. This commitment to integrity extends across all our ventures, from our cafés and supermarkets to our workwear and venture capital initiatives. By prioritizing transparency and ethical code of conduct in our interactions with customers, suppliers, employees, and stakeholders, we cultivate trust, reliability, and accountability, nurturing robust partnerships and fostering sustainable growth .